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All articles can be accessed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0).

About the journal


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow Pedagogical State University»


  • Methodology of pedagogy of music education,
  • Musical psychology and psychology of music education,
  • Musical historical and theoretical education,
  • Musical performance and education,
  • History, theory and methodology of music education.

Publication Frequency

4 items per year (in March, June, September and December)



The journal “Musical art and education” is included in the systems of calculating citation indices of authors and journals. Citation Index – an indicator characterizing the significance of an article (or journal) and calculated on the basis of subsequent publications citing this article (the journal in which it is published, respectively).

The journal is indexed in:

  • Russian Science Citation Index, a bibliographic and abstract index, implemented in the form of the largest Russian national database, accumulating information on publications of Russian scientists in Russian and foreign scientific journals.
  • CyberLeninka, a scientific electronic library built on the paradigm of open science (Open Science), the main tasks of which are the popularization of science and scientific activity, public control over the quality of scientific publications, the development of interdisciplinary research, the modern institute of scientific review, increasing the citation of Russian science and building infrastructure knowledge.



Editorial address:
115172, Moscow, Novospassky pereulok, 3-3, Department of Music, Institute of Fine Arts, Moscow Pedagogical State University, office 203.

Tel.: +7 (495) 632-79-81.

E-mail: metod-musik@yandex.ruvestnik-music@yandex.ru



Krasovskaya Elena P.